Gregg Behr pictured with our mural

Real-time storyboards propel NW Arkansas educational innovator network to Reimagine Learning

Ken HubbellActionCraft

Working with the learning leaders at Bentonville’s Scott Family Amazeum, Ken Hubbell captured the collective learnings in a series of real-time visual storyboards generated by a diverse set of regional educators, social sector youth developers, and philanthropists who collaborated around the ideas of Remake Learning, led by Gregg Behr (pictured below with our mural).

Gregg Behr pictured with our mural

Big Idea: Connect a diverse Learning Ecosystem across the spectrum of youth development.

This collective learning series was supported by and the Walton Family Foundation which enabled over 80 community youth advocates in NWA to engage with Gregg in an exciting exploration of equitable best practices for active learning across the country.

Big Idea: Get the Core Principles Actionable and Make the Amazing “Normal.”

Gregg shared Pittsburgh’s successful pivot that learning happens informally across a community and must be inclusive, joyful, and innovative to create success atmospheres that truly help young people unlock lifelong curiosity and caring.


Big Idea: To counter the seismic disruptions experienced by youngsters, communities should provide more inspired kid-centered spaces across the learning experience.

Unleashing the Wow in learning was central in Pittsburgh’s 20-year effort to Remake Learning modeled after Fred Roger’s PBS program, “Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.” Gregg reminded folks of the powerful invitation in Mr. Rogers’ refrain: “I like you just the way you are!”


Big Idea: Sometimes we have to “remake” our approaches to learning by creating absorptive “atmospheres.”


Big Idea: Having summary visuals of the sessions’ themes and emerging new ideas will help the nascent network move toward the next stage of collective impact.

When the Amazeum team charts a course for subsequent gatherings to retool learning networks in Northwest Arkansas, Chief Learning Officer, Mindy Porter, noted:

“I’m struck by the depth and breadth of the conversations! It’s amazing to look back and see how much we covered but also how it’s all interconnected. The illustrations clearly show the messaging and focus areas that are woven throughout the event. Each time I revisit the illustration, I’m grateful to be able to clearly ‘keep the main thing, the main thing.’ The illustrations cut through the messy complexity of a meeting so that the main thing can shine through.”

Ken sketching
Photo of Ken sketching by Christine Pendry, Amazeum

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